Friday, September 5, 2008

The "Human" Torch?

The first character introduced in Marvel Comics #1 was The Human Torch. The art is hard to follow but the story is compelling, for you see the flaming man is not human at all, but a flawed android who bursts into flame upon contact with air.

Its creator Professor Horton is even told to destroy the creature, but as with all science fiction scientists, he will continue his experiment at all costs and buries him in concrete until he can solve this combustible problem. Inevitably, the android escapes and causes constant havoc as it sets fire to everything and eventually falls into the hands of a criminal. As the story progresses the Torch learns to control its power in small increments until it is no longer even warm to the touch. It rights the wrongs it created, stops the criminal and turns itself over to the police who contact Prof. Horton. Horton, seeing his creation able to control its power, sees a fortune to be made. It is here that the story takes a "human" turn.

Freedom. Many have aspired to gain it, many have died to preserve it and all should be allowed to live in it. At this moment the android became the Human Torch.

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